This note works for breaking down and summarizing the source code from Xanadu library.
def ls_probs(m, n, A):
r"""Function generating the length-squared (LS) probability distributions for sampling matrix A.
m (int): number of rows of matrix A
n (int): row n of columns of matrix A
A (array[complex]): most general case is a rectangular complex matrix
tuple: Tuple containing the row-norms, LS probability distributions for rows and columns,
and Frobenius norm.
# populates array with the row-norms squared of matrix A
row_norms = np.zeros(m)
for i in range(m):
row_norms[i] = np.abs(la.norm(A[i, :]))**2
# Frobenius norm of A
A_Frobenius = np.sqrt(np.sum(row_norms))
LS_prob_rows = np.zeros(m)
# normalized length-square row probability distribution
for i in range(m):
LS_prob_rows[i] = row_norms[i] / A_Frobenius**2
LS_prob_columns = np.zeros((m, n))
# populates array with length-square column probability distributions
# LS_prob_columns[i]: LS probability distribution for selecting columns from row A[i]
for i in range(m):
LS_prob_columns[i, :] = [np.abs(k)**2 / row_norms[i] for k in A[i, :]]
return row_norms, LS_prob_rows, LS_prob_columns, A_Frobenius
What is the Frobenius norm?
Frobenius norm is a matrix norm that is defined as the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of the matrix elements. It is a generalization of the Euclidean norm to matrices.
why LS_prob_rows and LS_prob_columns have different shapes?
LS_prob_rows is a vector, while LS_prob_columns is a matrix. The reason is that the probability of selecting a column from a row is different from the probability of selecting a row from the matrix. In this scenario, the column probability is always selecting from a row, while the row probability is selecting from the whole matrix.
def sample_C(A, m, n, r, c, row_norms, LS_prob_rows, LS_prob_columns, A_Frobenius):
r"""Function used to generate matrix C by performing LS sampling of rows and columns of matrix A.
A (array[complex]): rectangular, in general, complex matrix
m (int): number of rows of matrix A
n (int): number of columns of matrix A
r (int): number of sampled rows
c (int): number of sampled columns
row_norms (array[float]): norm of the rows of matrix A
LS_prob_rows (array[float]): row LS probability distribution of matrix A
LS_prob_columns (array[float]): column LS probability distribution of matrix A
A_Frobenius (float): Frobenius norm of matrix A
tuple: Tuple containing the singular values (sigma), left- (w) and right-singular vectors (vh) of matrix C,
the sampled rows (rows), the column LS prob. distribution (LS_prob_columns_R) of matrix R and split running
times for the FKV algorithm.
tic = time.time()
# sample row indices from row length_square distribution
rows = np.random.choice(m, r, replace=True, p=LS_prob_rows)
columns = np.zeros(c, dtype=int)
# sample column indices
for j in range(c):
# sample row index uniformly at random
i = np.random.choice(rows, replace=True)
# sample column from length-square distribution of row A[i]
columns[j] = np.random.choice(n, 1, p=LS_prob_columns[i])
toc = time.time()
rt_sampling_C = toc - tic
# building the lenght-squared distribution to sample columns from matrix R
R_row = np.zeros(n)
LS_prob_columns_R = np.zeros((r, n))
for s in range(r):
R_row[:] = A[rows[s], :] * A_Frobenius / (np.sqrt(r) * np.sqrt(row_norms[rows[s]]))
R_row_norm = np.abs(la.norm(R_row[:]))**2
LS_prob_columns_R[s, :] = [np.abs(k)**2 / R_row_norm for k in R_row[:]]
tic = time.time()
# creates empty array for R and C matrices. We treat R as r x c here, since we only need columns later
R_C = np.zeros((r, c))
C = np.zeros((r, c))
# populates array for matrix R with the submatrix of A defined by sampled rows/columns
for s in range(r):
for t in range(c):
R_C[s, t] = A[rows[s], columns[t]]
# renormalize each row of R
R_C[s,:] = R_C[s,:] * A_Frobenius / (np.sqrt(r) * np.sqrt(row_norms[rows[s]]))
# creates empty array of column norms
column_norms = np.zeros(c)
# computes column Euclidean norms
for t in range(c):
for s in range(r):
column_norms[t] += np.abs(R_C[s, t])**2
# renormalize columns of C
for t in range(c):
C[:, t] = R_C[:, t] * (A_Frobenius / np.sqrt(column_norms[t])) / np.sqrt(c)
toc = time.time()
rt_building_C = toc - tic
tic = time.time()
# Computing the SVD of sampled C matrix
w, sigma, vh = la.svd(C, full_matrices=False)
toc = time.time()
rt_svd_C = toc - tic
return w, rows, sigma, vh, LS_prob_columns_R, rt_sampling_C, rt_building_C, rt_svd_C
What is difference between row sampling and columns sampling?
The difference is that the column sampling is always selecting from a row, while the row sampling is selecting from the whole matrix. But the columns is a vector for indices conditional on a random sampled row.
R_row is refreshed in each iteration.
The number of sampled row is r. LS_prob_columns_R works to build a matrix with r rows and n columns. Each row is the length-square probability distribution of the columns of the sampled row. This procedure is renormalized to make the sum of the row equal to 1.
R_C is the matrix of the sampled rows and columns. It is r x c.
what is right-singular vector of one matrix
left-singular vector: \(A^H u_i = \sigma_i v_i\) right-singular vector: \(A v_i = \sigma_i u_i\)
def uvl_vector(l, A, r, w, rows, sigma, row_norms, A_Frobenius):
r""" Function to reconstruct right-singular vector of matrix A
l (int): singular vector index
A (array[complex]): rectangular, in general, complex matrix
r (int): number of sampled rows from matrix A
w (array[complex]): left-singular vectors of matrix C
rows (array[int]): indices of the r sampled rows of matrix A
row_norms (array[float]): row norms of matrix A
A_Frobenius (float): Frobenius norm of matrix A
tuple: Tuple with arrays containing approximated singular vectors :math: '\bm{u}^l, \bm{v}^l'
m, n = A.shape
u_approx = np.zeros(m)
v_approx = np.zeros(n)
# building approximated v^l vector
factor = A_Frobenius / ( np.sqrt(r) * sigma[l] )
for s in range(r):
v_approx[:] += ( A[rows[s], :] / np.sqrt(row_norms[rows[s]]) ) * w[s, l]
v_approx[:] = v_approx[:] * factor
u_approx = (A @ v_approx) / sigma[l]
return u_approx, v_approx
What is v_approx?
v_approx is accumulation of sampled rows of matrix A that is normalized and constructed by \(A \times u\). u_approx is construced by \(A^H \times v\).
- Sample \(r\) row indices \(i_1, i_2, \ldots, i_r\) from the row distribution \(p(i)\). For each row index, select the row \(A_{i_s}\) and renormalize it as \(R_{i_s}=\frac{\|A\|_F}{\sqrt{r}\left\|A_{i_s}\right\|} A_{i_s}\). This defines an \(r \times n\) matrix \(R\) consisting of the rescaled rows \(R_{i_s}\).
- Select an index \(s \in\{1,2, \ldots, r\}\) uniformly at random, then sample a column index \(j\) from the column distribution \(q_{i_s}(j)\). Repeat this a total of \(c\) times to obtain column indices \(j_1, j_2, \ldots, j_c\). For each column index, select the column \(R_{\cdot, j_t}\) and renormalize it as \(C_{\cdot, j_t}=\) \(\frac{\|A\|_F}{\sqrt{c}\left\|R_{\cdot, j_t}\right\|} R_{\cdot, j_t}\). This defines a matrix \(C\) consisting of the rescaled columns \(C_{\cdot, j_t}\).
- Compute the singular value decomposition of \(C\).
def sample_me_lsyst(A, b, m, n, samples, rank, r, w, rows, sigma, row_norms, LS_prob_rows, LS_prob_columns, A_Frobenius):
r""" Function to estimate the coefficients :math: '\lambda_l = \langle v^l \vert A^\dagger \vert b \rangle'
A (array[complex]): rectangular, in general, complex matrix
m (int): number of rows of matrix A
n (int): number of columns of matrix A
samples (int): number of stochastic samples performed to estimate :math: '\lambda_l'
rank (int): rank of matrix A
r (int): number of sampled rows from matrix A
w (array[complex]): left-singular vectors of matrix C
rows (array[int]): indices of the r sampled rows of matrix A
sigma (array[float]): singular values of matrix C
row_norms (array[float]): row norms of matrix A
LS_prob_rows (array[float]): LS row probability distribution of matrix A
LS_prob_columns (array[float]): LS column probability distribution of matrix A
A_Frobenius (float): Frobenius norm of matrix A
array[float]: Array containing the coefficients :math: '\lambda_l = \langle v^l \vert A^\dagger \vert b \rangle'
# Number of independent estimates. We take the median of these as the final estimate
reps = 10
# creates empty array of matrix elements <v^l|A^dagger|b> for l=1,2,.., k and many repetitions of the estimates
matrix_elements = np.zeros((reps, rank))
for i in range(reps):
# calculate matrix element for l=1,2,.., k
for l in range(rank):
# create empty array of sampled matrix elements
X = np.zeros(samples)
# sample matrix elements
for k in range(samples):
# sample row index from length-square distribution
sample_i = np.random.choice(m, 1, replace=True, p=LS_prob_rows)[0]
# sample column index from length-square distribution from previously sampled row
sample_j = np.random.choice(n, 1, p=LS_prob_columns[sample_i])[0]
# j-th entry of right singular vector of matrix R
v_j = 0
# calculates v_j
for s in range(r):
v_j += A[rows[s], sample_j] * w[s, l] / (np.sqrt(row_norms[rows[s]]))
# print(v_j)
v_j = v_j * A_Frobenius / (np.sqrt(r) * sigma[l])
# computes sampled matrix element
X[k] = ((A_Frobenius ** 2 * b[sample_i]) / (A[sample_i, sample_j])) * v_j
# assigns estimates for each l and repetition
matrix_elements[i, l] = np.mean(X)
# creates empty array of matrix elements <v_l|A|b>
lambdas = np.zeros(rank)
# take median of all repeated estimates
for l in range(rank):
lambdas[l] = np.median(matrix_elements[:, l])
return lambdas
Why median not mean?
Using the median instead of the mean provides a more robust estimate, as it is not as sensitive to outliers or extreme values. Therefore, by taking the median of the repeated estimates, the function obtains a more reliable and robust estimate of the coefficients.
the way to calculate v_j
To obtain the v_j value, the function needs to calculate the contribution of each sampled row of A to the j-th entry of the l-th right singular vector of C.