
The story continues to unfold with each new adventure...


MISQ Reviewer Virtual Workshop, Online.

We discussed how to review IS papers.

2025 MISQ

Web3Ideathon, Hong KOng

I served as a mentor and shared my work.

2025 Web3


HKUST PhD Friends Gathering, Bangkok.

We are gathering to celebrate ICIS participation.

2024 Bangkok

ICIS Conference, Bangkok - My first ICIS conference.

I presented two works at ICIS.

2024 ICIS

HKUST PhD Students Outdoor Activities, Seattle.

We are walking through National Olympic Park.

2024 Olympic National Park

CIST Presentation, Seattle - My first IS and CIST presentation.

I am presenting the paper titled as "When KPOP meets Blockchain: The Impact of DAO Voting on Consumer Engagement"

2024 CIST

PhD Conference Gathering, Hong Kong - A remarkable convergence of minds and ideas.

I participated in PhD Conference gathering and discussed PhD life with my academic elder brother Prof. Hui and peers."

PhD Conference Gathering


First Year Paper Presentation, Hong Kong

I presented my first year paper, titled "Token-based Platforms and Green Dillemma"

First Year Paper Presentation

e-HKD on-campus trial, Hong Kong

I was involved in the e-HKD on-campus trial, which was a significant event for digital currency research.

e-HKD on-campus trial


HKUST Fintechstic NFT & Metaverse Competition

I was invited to become a mentor for HKUST undergraduate students about their competition on NFT and Metaverse. I am very proud of their achievements. The first picture is the NFT designed by the organizer, and the second picture is a moment capture of my mentorship.

HKUST Fintechstic NFT Mentorship

HSBC Lab Farewell, Guangzhou, China (me, Dr. Bing Zhu, Dr. Ziyuan Li)

I left HSBC Lab in Guangzhou, China, and this is a moment capture of my farewell. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with everyone. I learned a lot from them, and I am very proud of our achievements. The first picture is the gift from the team, and the second picture is a NFT photo of Dr. Bing Zhu, Dr. Ziyuan Li, and me.



Architecture Summit, Shenzhen, China

I had the opportunity to attend the Architecture Summit in Shenzhen, China, and this is a moment capture of the event.

Architecture Summit

Alicloud Conference, Hangzhou, China

I had the opportunity to attend the Alicloud Conference in Hangzhou, China, and this is a moment capture of the event with all HSBC staff.

Alicloud Conference

Graduation at South China University of Technology

I finally graduated from South China University of Technology, and this is a moment capture by my roommate.


Global CBDC Challenge, Online, Singapore Fintech Festival (Dr. Yong Xia, Mark Liu, Me, Bing Qu)

Our HSBC Lab team became the top 15 finalists in the Global CBDC Challenge, and this is a moment capture of our presentation.

Global CBDC Challenge


Hiking, Huo Luo Mountain, Guangzhou, China (Me, Zhe Li, Wenjiang Quan, Dr. Yong Xia)

I was an intern at HSBC Lab in Guangzhou, China, and this is a moment capture of our hiking.



School Team Time, Guangzhou, China

I was a basketball player in my undergraduate school, and this is a moment capture of our school team time.

School Team Time

Class Team Time, Guangzhou, China

I was a basketball player in my undergraduate class, and this is a moment capture of our class team time.

Class Team Time